Thursday 18 December 2014

Learning Blog: Wednesday, December 17th

What We Did?
During the first block of Humanities yesterday, we wrote down 5 pros and cons about the novel we read. [Everyone in our class is in a group with 4 (more or less) people, and each group has a book that they read]. Not only did we list the pros and cons of the novel we read, but also we rated the novel out of 10, and explained what the ‘best-selling points’ of the book  were (if you were to try and sell it to someone).  We had to write down a short summarization of the main plot of the book as well.

Why We Did It?
I believe that the reason we wrote what we did about our novels was to check our understanding of the novel and to make sure that we actually read it and comprehended it. It also helps Ms. Lees, our teacher to know that we fully understand the book we read. We also did what we did, because it helps understand how to identify the pros and cons in things, whatever they be. It also helps us in the sense that we learn how to expand on our thoughts, develop our writing skills and learn how to give evidence as to what we think or write about.
Another reason as to why we reviewed the book and such, was because later on in our second block of Humanities yesterday, we filmed (or at least tried to) commercials on our novels trying to ‘sell’ them. For example giving some info about the book, or saying which audience the book would appeal to.

Reflections and Connections:
Being able to comprehend and understand pieces of writing or in this case, a novel, is a skill that is extremely useful. It is a skill that you will you use many times now, and in the future. Also, learning to see the good and the bad in things is also useful. These two skills can be applied to many of the things you might in the future. Where you may be in university or at your workplace, these two skills could help you. For example, in order to understand English literature or such, you have to have a strong literary understanding and know how to comprehend pieces of writing. Also, if you were at your workplace and needed to review a project or something along those lines, you must be able to see the pros and cons of the project.
Homework Reminders:
We have our four paragraphs assignments from our paragraph booklet due tomorrow. Don’t forget that we have to write our brainstorming list, topic outline, and double-spaced draft for every one of our paragraphs.

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Learning Blog December 17

What did we do?
In class we had to plan a commercial and film it in our book groups. 

Why did we do it?
I am guessing we did it because we had our pros and cons, and we had to "sell" the book, in kind of a commercial way. 

Reflections and connections
This commercial thing was relevant to our homework, and I do find it fun to film this. This can be useful for public speaking because your on camera, and you know the people in your blog will see this

Friday 12 December 2014

Learning Blog Dec.12, 2014

     Today in Hum8 we did our Lit Circles Group Discussions. There were 3 or 4 groups, each had two different books. My book was The Hunchback Assignments and we were partners with Half Brother.
I think the learning intention was to practice our participation, discussion, and listening skills.

Today's homework was finish your 3 Words and complete the Discussion paper thingy.

Thursday 11 December 2014

lets just call this the three word challenge

For my three words i chose

i chose persevere because i tend to give up allot. I try but then i don't succeed and i need to now give up as easily, because if i keep trying it could turn into something great. For example when i do some of my drawings, i cant get a certain area of it right correct and i kind of just give up.

i chose brave because i get scared of allot of things (mostly because of my anxiety) and i really need to face some of my fears. For example the other day in my metal work class i was really scared to try welding, but then i tried it and it was actually really fun!

the reason i chose the word creative is because some times in my work im scared to be more creative because i don't want to get a bad mark. but i think that i should take some more risks and try some new things out :)

yesh so that is all :3

Alex :D

Wednesday 10 December 2014

"Three Word Challenge"

My name is Hema, and am one of the students in Ms. Lee’s Humanities 8 class.
The three words that I chose for the “Three Word Challenge” are:
The first word being ‘indefatigable’. Not that I’m lazy or anything, because I do try hard and do my best, but I tend to be a bit laid back sometimes. I am hardworking, to a certain degree, but I would like to change for the better and be more hardworking. Persist more, and not give up so easily.
The second word I chose is ‘optimistic’. I tend to see the bad in things before the good. Thinking of what is wrong or could go wrong instead of what’s good and working. In some instances, it’s handy to think in such a way, so you could improve whatever it is you’re thinking about, but I would like to be more optimistic. Thinking of the good in things.
The third word I chose is ‘organized’. I am one of the most disorganized people I know. Disorganized in the sense that I have messy binders and such. Keeping everything neat and tidy all the time is a task I find to be tedious. I do tell myself every now and then that ‘I will be organized and stay organized’, but unfortunately I never seem to keep my resolutions. I will try my best to be organized and stay organized, and hopefully all will go well.

Learning Blog: December 10th

What We Did?
In Humanities today, we marked our previously done short story re-tests (some of us chose to do re-tests if we weren’t happy with our mark on the original short story test). We went over the re-tests, marked them and answered any questions we still had about the short story unit. The short story test/re-test consisting of first, reading the given story, identifying the characters (in the story) and classifying them based on their traits, identifying the main conflict, conclusion, point of view, and so on.

Why We Did It?
We marked the short story re-tests in order to save our teacher the time from having to do it herself and also because we reviewed everything we learned in the short story unit.  If we had any questions or still did not understand some parts of the short story unit, our teacher answered our questions.

Reflections and Connections:
The skills that we have developed in learning how to further understand stories and comprehend them, will help us now and in the near future. Being able to understand stories to a completely different level is a useful skill and one that we could use later on in high school or in university (depending on what you’re studying).

Homework Reminders:
Charles is writing the learning blog on Friday. Also our “Three Word Challenge” is due on Friday.
If you don’t remember what we’re supposed to do for the “Three Word Challenge”, we’re supposed to write three words that you think describe yourself and the reasons for that.


Three word challenge

My name is  Bill, and I am in grade 8.
My three words are active, communicative  and self-assured.

I picked active because I lately have not been doing a lot of exercise, sort of slacking off. 

Communicative : I chose out-going because I am a very shy person, not that talkative and I rarely open up. I so seldom start talking to someone first, so that is why I chose Out-going. 

Self-assured: When it comes to being self-assured, that is where I lack. I want to be more confident, have a strong belief and have more vision towards success.

My Three Word Challenge

My name is Laura, and I’m a Grade 8 student in Ms. Lees’ class.
For my three words, I chose Diligent, Organized, and Outgoing.

I chose the word diligent because, as I’m sure a lot of others know, I tend to get distracted fairly easily. Especially if I’m working on a long and tedious assignment. I also have a tendency to procrastinate, and I would really like to change that. I think I need to stay focused, and work hard at my assignments.

I picked the word organized because I tend to get a little on the unorganized side, especially as the year goes on and the New Year Resolutions wear off. I’m not terribly messy or anything, but things tend to pile up. So I would like to try and be more organized. Even if it’s just as simple as keeping my room neat, I would like to stay organized.

And for my last word, I chose outgoing. I’m a fairly shy person overall, and I really think that I should “get out of my shell” and try to be more sociable. I’m also more of an introvert, so this may be more of a struggle than it sounds!

Learning Blog (2nd block): December 10

What did we do?
We watched some videos that Ms. Lees showed us about Innovation Fair and "sentences" video. We worked on three words that describe us and we had to explain why we chose them.

Why did we do it?
We watched videos because Ms. Lees wanted to show us how to do the "three words assignment. We watched some videos on Innovation Fair so that we could have more knowledge about it.

Reflections and connections
Today's  lesson was really something we do often, so I did find it enjoyable. I think that Innovation Fair is a great way to expand creativity, and that can be very useful on in the future.

Three words that describe yourself, and explain why.

My 3 Words

Hi my name is Charles and I'm in grade 8.

My 3 Words Are:
      1. Open- I want to be more open around other people, more friendly.
      2. Open-minded- I want to be more able to accept other ideas instead of saying no.
      3. Willing-  I want to be more willing to do my homework, instead of putting it off until the last               moment.

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Learning Blog- Tuesday, December 9

What did we do?
Today in class, we made sure that Ms. Lees had the assignments that she needed to do our report cards. We also worked on our paragraph writing booklets. We highlighted descriptive words and transition words and phrases in the descriptive paragraph section, and started to work on the exercise on the left side of the page.

Why did we do it?
We did this to make sure that Ms. Lees had all of the paperwork that she needed, and to also let our peers know if they hadn't handed an assignment in.
Working through the paragraph writing booklet will help to build our paragraph writing skills. This will show us what a proper paragraph should look like. We will learn about formatting and content, and be able to pick out descriptive words and transition words and phrases in a paragraph. This in turn will help us when we are writing our own paragraphs, because we will have had examples and ample opportunity to improve our skills.

Reflections and Connections
Paragraph writing is not a skill limited to Humanities 8. Whether it’s writing a report for science, or an essay in the later grades, paragraphs can be used anywhere. Learning about the topic sentence will be useful for expanding upon ideas. Knowing how to create a paragraph outline can also help you to study for tests because you can break a chunk of text down and look at it from a new perspective.

Homework Reminders
For people in my blog group: Hema is going to be doing the Learning Blog for the first block of tomorrow. Bill will be doing the second block. Charles will be doing his on Friday.
The descriptive paragraphs page is due tomorrow, including the exercise on the left side of the page. We have to brainstorm, create an outline, and write a double spaced draft about an event of incident that you have experienced or witnessed.
We also have to have posted two comments on the blogs by tomorrow.
Ask a study buddy for help if you need it!

learning blog, Dec 8

learning blog Dec.8

What did we do?
In class yesterday we did our dialectical journals for our books that our groups are reading in. 

,Why (learning intentions) did we do it?
We do our dialectical journals to share a quote and relate to it in some way. whether it be to the world or to yourself, while we all shared our quotes another group watched us and observed us then marked us. Then we had to ask three to five questions to prompt our discussion.

  Reflections and connections-how was/is today's class skills or subject matter relevant (important) beyond Hum 8? Where might it be useful and how?
This could be useful to us in the future because this could help us relate to other peoples stories better or it could help us have better conversations or help us answer questions better,

Homework reminders- what is due and when,
We have to finish our group[ response for tomorrow, remember to have two goals and two stars for yourself and your group.

For extra help look at the planning sheet Ms.Lees handed to us :)

by: Alex :3

Friday 5 December 2014

Learning Blog: Dec.5, 2014

          Today in Hum8, we talked about paragraph writing and supporting sentences and details. We also practised how to do paragraph outlines, which was kind of like dissecting a paragraph.The learning intention was to learn what makes a good paragraph, and how to show your ideas in the paragraph. If anyone wants to be a writer, it would be important to know this because it'll help you express your ideas, but this can be helpful anytime you write paragraphs.

           Today's Homework:
                    1. Paragraph Outlines due next Tuesday
                    2. Dialectical Journal due next Monday
                    3. Innovation Fair Proposal due next Tuesday

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Learning Blogs: December 3rd

What We Did:
In class today, during our first block of double-block humanities, we discussed and learned how to write a proper ‘Learning Blog’. A learning blog, being an online record of what work and things we learned in class.  We learned how to improve our blogging skills, and learned how to improve our overall writing. Also, how to properly reflect on what we’ve done in class and expand on our thoughts. Along with learning about how to blog, Ms. Lees, our teacher, helped us learn how to navigate through the blog, because many a person had problems in doing so. As for learning how to navigate through the blog, we learned how to troubleshoot some of the problems we had with working with the blog, and our teacher answered some of the questions we had, about the blog. Furthermore, we learned how to customize our blogs. By customize, I mean how to change font colour, the background, add gadgets, and such. In conclusion, we learned how to refine our blogging skills, how to navigate through our blogs, and reflect/think about what work we have done in class.
Why We Did It:
The learning intention behind reviewing our blog and learning what we did, is so that we will have close to no problems with using and navigating through the blog. Instead, we will use the blog with ease. Also be more confident in posting, and writing. Overall, we will be able to learn much more and get a better understanding of how to blog and write in a formal tone, as the blog is open for the public to read.
Reflections and Connections:
Skill #1) It is just as important to be digitally literate as it is to be literate. Due to technology continuously advancing and becoming more complex as time goes on, technology has become a big part of everyday life. So learning how to blog and be able to use technology to your advantage is a skill that will help you for as long as you live. Perhaps in the near future, you might need to use a program or something along those lines, which you are unfamiliar with, and you need to adapt to it quickly. Using this particular skill that we learned today, you’ll be able to quickly adapt and learn how to use the program, slowly becoming more comfortable with using it. Since technology surrounds us, and is everywhere we go, it is likely that you will use this skill in the future, whether it be during your time at university or at your workplace.
Skill #2) Another skill that we learned is how to speak and write in a formal tone. Not writing with slang, text lingo, or conversational tone. Writing in a formal tone, with proper punctuation and grammar. The way you would write an essay or such. It is likely that you will use this skill quite often as you grow older and become an adult. Whether it be, when you are writing formal writing pieces such as dissertations or a thesis, in university, or writing a speech for winning an award.
Homework Reminders:
As for what homework is due, we have our self-assessment booklet due on Friday. I’d also just like to remind everyone that we have a Humanities re-test during flex time, tomorrow. Don’t forget that we have our ‘Innovation Fair’ proposals due on December 9th.

Learning Blog for December 3, 2014

Hey guys!

1. What did we do?
This block was full of revision on the blog. We were not assigned anything, nor did we do any work. We spent the entire block basically looking at the blog,going over the criteria for the Learning Blog, and just overall refreshing our minds on how to use the blog.

2. Why (learning intention) did we do it?
A lot of people were quite confused on navigation around the blog,and we had a lot of questions about the blog in general. Looking at who was listed as an "Author" on the class blog, there where actually some missing people on the list (including myself). I am quite glad we went over that because if we haven't, me and some other people still would not be able to post,also still clueless that we are not with the blog.

3. Reflections and connections
I think that what we did today was a great day and we defiantly learned tons about the blog. We can use the information we were taught today on the blog,and maybe even beyond Humanities.

4. Homework reminder
Self assessment are due Dec. 4, also retest tomorrow at flex. Come in if you want to retest!

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Learning Blogs- December 2

What did we do?
We spent basically the whole block doing our Literature Circle Group Discussions. During this time, one novel group sits down and shares ideas, asks questions, and just talks about their book. Another novel group stands at the side observing the discussion, and offers feedback through an observation sheet.

Why did we do it?
I think that the purpose of our Literature Circle Discussions is so that we get better at group work, and are able to produce ideas and contribute to the group. We also work on our listening skills when we are observing the other group, as we learn to pay attention to others. By filling out this observation sheet, we also know what others look for during group discussions, like asking questions and connecting to ourselves.
Lit Circle Discussions can even help us during group work. We can learn how to encourage other members of our group to contribute and share their ideas. At the same time, we learn how to keep ideas flowing, and how to keep the conversation alive and moving.

Reflections and Connections
In my opinion, I think that the skills that we learned today can be applied almost anywhere. From group work in school, to job related meetings. We are learning lifelong skills. Being able to encourage others to contribute and share will make group projects a fun experience, and being able to voice our opinions and turn our thoughts into ideas will certainly help with brainstorming and offering feedback. We can even use these skills to make our presentations interesting and engaging.

Homework Reminders
Just reminding people in my blog group that we all need to do “Learning Blogs.” For tomorrow, Hema is writing about the first block and Bill is writing about the second. Charles will do his Learning Blog on Friday.
We need to write a summary of our group discussion as well as two Goals and two Stars for ourselves, and two Goals and two Stars for our novel groups.

Retests will be at Flex at 11:15 in Ms. Lees’ room.

Monday 1 December 2014

learning blog :3

So i guess this is my post for the day........yeah LETS DO THIS
today in class we talked about what problems we were having, like with our home work and asking questions.
I really enjoyed today's lesson because it gave us a chance to be open with our hmm how do i say this.. our difficulties in class. I think we did this so that we could connect or relate the same problems and try to solve them all together as a class. Like i said that i had a problem and mine was that i was too scared to ask for help because i was worried that i would feel dumb. But then Ronald said "who agrees with Alex that sometimes we all feel a little dumb to ask questions" and like half the class  put their hands up! this made me feel allot better about my problem and we came up with some solutions
the first one is to call up a study buddy! So if we have problems we and call a friend and they can help us explain it in a different way so we maybe understand it more :) or another one was to ask Ms.Lees in flex on your one so you can kind-of get a one on one interaction. This could be very important later in our lives because we all have times where we are afraid to ask questions whether it be to your boss or your best friend or to your mom (XD idk who) but with this new advice we can get better at these things and not be so afraid all the time, because it is ok to ask questions thats what teachers and friends are for :3
HOME WORK REMINDER: dialectical journals are due tomorrow be prepared with 3-5 questions to prompt discussion.