Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Learning Blog: December 10th

What We Did?
In Humanities today, we marked our previously done short story re-tests (some of us chose to do re-tests if we weren’t happy with our mark on the original short story test). We went over the re-tests, marked them and answered any questions we still had about the short story unit. The short story test/re-test consisting of first, reading the given story, identifying the characters (in the story) and classifying them based on their traits, identifying the main conflict, conclusion, point of view, and so on.

Why We Did It?
We marked the short story re-tests in order to save our teacher the time from having to do it herself and also because we reviewed everything we learned in the short story unit.  If we had any questions or still did not understand some parts of the short story unit, our teacher answered our questions.

Reflections and Connections:
The skills that we have developed in learning how to further understand stories and comprehend them, will help us now and in the near future. Being able to understand stories to a completely different level is a useful skill and one that we could use later on in high school or in university (depending on what you’re studying).

Homework Reminders:
Charles is writing the learning blog on Friday. Also our “Three Word Challenge” is due on Friday.
If you don’t remember what we’re supposed to do for the “Three Word Challenge”, we’re supposed to write three words that you think describe yourself and the reasons for that.


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